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What is required if I want to start a new business or shop?

Ans : You may contact our Shops and Establishment Office Tel.No.2411086 near Navrang Complex on Prof. Manekrao Road in Raopura and send your application in the prescribed
form for Shops and Establishment licence. With application you have to attach copies of
latest Municipal Tax Bill, Building Permission letter and Occupation Certificate
of the Corporation.

For restaurant, hotels or shops of sweet meats, a Health Licence should be obtained from concerned Ward Office first.

How do I rent a marriage hall?

Ans : Contact office of the Tourist Officer on Tel.No.2793519 for necessary information and register your booking.

How do I dispose off my domestic waste?

Ans : The Solid Waste Management Rules require you to keep your dry and wet waste in separate bags or containers. These should be handed over to the collection agent of the Corporation to be deposited in the containers of the Corporation nearest your house
(white for dry waste and green for wet waste).

Failure to comply with these requirements entails a penalty and a case is registered with the Municipal Court.

How to Obtain new building development permission Form vmc?

Ans : Open the website of corporation . www.vmc.gov.in , also approach the lissence holder architects, engineer, structural engineer registered with corporation. The list of registered architect engineer & structural engineers available on website.

How much time take for building permission?

Ans : According to the T.P. Act 1976 within 90 days permission is granted in accordance to the GDCR( Genaral Devlopment Control Regulation) GDCR is available on website of corporation.

Which documents are required for getting building plan permission?

Ans :Check list of required documents is available on corporation website however following documents generally required.

  • Owener ship Document:- 7/12,8A,6/ property card/sanad/ Ragistered Sale did with Index, Power of Attorny/ lease deed/ project
  • Area Releted Documents:- DILR measurement sheet, city survey tippan/ tracing/ sand, T.P.Site plan/ old approved drowings in case of revise permission.
  • Zoning Certificate and Zone plan:-
  • B or F form.
  • Effidivate for parking, common plot, ULC, Indemnity Bond.
  • House Tax clearance certificate if redeveloped the old property.
  • Opinion of T.P.O in case property is in draft T.P.Scheme.

Which Kind of N.O.C Required for the Building Plan Permission?

Ans :

  • Airport N.O.C if the property falls in funnal area of aircraft and for highrise building Director Airport Western Region Mumbai.
  • Fire N.O.C (C.O. Fire VMC Mr. Gunjal Mob.9879615036) is concern person The information for N.O.C is also available on Website of Corporation.In case of Highrise Building and special Structure school buildings and Hospital Buildings.
  • Archiological N.O.C If property falls within radios of 200mts. From the Archiological Monuments notified by Archiological Department Gov.of India. Conservation Assistant Archaelogical Survey Of India, Vadodara Sub-circle Bhau Tambekar Haveli, Pratap Road, Raopura Vadodara.
  • Electricity Board N.O.C If H.T and L.T line pass through the property .
  • Railway N.O.C DRM Western Railway Vadodara Division, Pratapnagar Vadodara. It property is adjoining to the Railway line or within 30mts. Of the railway track.
  • Environment N.O.C GPCB Gandhinagar - Incase Construction area is 20000mts. Or more - Society N.O.C in case of co.op.housing Society .
  • Resional manager N.O.C Regional Manager GIDC kansar Restorant Building Sayajigunj Vadodara. in case of GIDC Notified Area.
  • Irrigation N.O.C Executive Engineer Vadodara Kuber bhuvan Vadodara. If canal pass adjoining to the property.
  • GAIL N.O.C. Manager, Operating Gas station terminal, Refinery road, Undera, Vadodara. If Gas line pass adjoining to the peroperty or pass through the property.

Within how much time Construction Should be Started ?

Ans : According to T.P. Act 1976 person who get the permission is valid for one year However it is renewed for further 3 Years.

What is the validity period of the permission according to the provision of T.P Act 1+3 year is validity period of the permission then permission is lapsed.

How to get Renewal the Permission.

Ans : If it is within the time period in accordance of the act application made with copy of permission letter and copy of approved map. In the Town Planning department of Vadodara Municipal Corporation.

How to Receive inspection from the Vadodara Municipal Corporation

Ans : How to Receive final inspection by an engineer from the Vadodara Municipal Corporation. VMC engineers inspect within 21 days from the date of receipt of the notice of completion.During construction and prior to completion, the building company must submit progress Certificates upon completion of each stage (plinth and first floor in our case) in Forms No. 6a-d signed by the architect, structural designer and supervising engineer. One inspection on average would occur in the case of low-rise construction the follows the plans.

How to Submit a completion notice to the Vadodara Municipal Corporation

Ans : At the end of the construction, the building company must notify the VMC about the completion of construction by submitting a completion report in Form No. 7 along with a copy of the plans, structural drawings, photos of building & RWH with Xerox copy of house tax to initiate the final inspection and permit process. The report and all information must be submitted and signed by the owner and the concerned structural engineer / architect.

How to Receive final inspection by an engineer from the Vadodara Municipal Corporation.

Ans : VMC engineers inspect within 21 days from the date of receipt of the notice of completion.

how to get B.U.Certificate by submitting following documents through register licence

Ans :
holder like

  • Copy of set of Structure Drawings.
  • Final fire N.O.C
  • Structure Stability Certificate.
  • Photographs of RWS and Building.
  • Drainage Connection Slip.
  • Vadodara Municipal Corporation should be grant the Building Use Permission (occupancy permit) after a necessary inspection within 21 days of receipt of the completion report. Before issuing the occupancy certificate.